Controversial: Meditation Wont Make You Happy

Tai Lopez
May 27, 2023
Controversial: Meditation Won’t Make You Happy
IntroductionPeople are constantly searching for ways to be happy. Some believe that meditation is the solution, while others seek happiness through material possessions or success in their careers.
Here’s the problem, you cannot rely on a single solution to find happiness. For humans, happiness is more complex and won’t be solved by only meditating.
Instead, look to your ancestors for patterns of living that promote physical and emotional well-being.
Regrets of the Average Modern Human
People’s major regrets tend to be:
- Who they marry
- Their education
- Their career
Humans have evolved over generations, and we have developed patterns of living that promote happiness. I call them “The Whispers of 10,000 Generations. Patterns like:
Working with friends and family: We are social creatures and thrive on connections with others. Don’t underestimate that. Working with friends and family can provide a sense of community and purpose.
Recreating the Savannah effect by spending time in open spaces: Humans evolved in open spaces. Whether the savannah’s of Africa, or the plains and valleys in the Americas. Spending time in open spaces can promote physical and emotional well-being.
Seeing multiple age groups every day: In traditional societies, people of all ages worked and lived together. This pattern can promote a sense of community and connection.
The modern world's patterns of living, with its nuclear families, long work hours, and isolated social circles, are militating against human happiness. In your life, you won’t relate exclusively to one age group, you will interact with people your age, older, and younger.
Think about it, in a small hunter-gatherer society, you would likely interact with children, people your age, and the elderly.
Limitations of Meditation as a Solution to Happiness
Meditation has its benefits, it increases your serotonin, raises you brain’s alpha wave activity, amongst other things. But meditation alone cannot address the complex problems that modern humans face. Adopting a systematic pattern of living that addresses your physical and emotional well-being is more effective.
Spend time outdoors, go for a walk in nature, interact with animals, work with your friends and family, and expose yourself to multiple age groups as much as you can.
Meditation can be helpful, but don’t use it as a “happiness pill”. Happiness is more complex than “focusing on your breathing”.
Look at where in your life you can adopt a pattern of living that mimics what your ancestors did for thousands of years.
Don’t try to fight the Whispers of 10,000 Generations, use them.
Stay strong,
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