Building $100K/Day Funnels: Inside Sabri Suby's Marketing Mind
Sabri Suby & Tai Lopez
Tai Lopez Oct 17, 2024

Building $100K/Day Funnels: Inside Sabri Suby’s Marketing Mind

Scaling a business through high-ticket sales and customer acquisition requires deep expertise and precision, something Sabri Suby has mastered over his 17-year career. On this episode of The Tai Lopez Show, Sabri shares the practical strategies he uses to build $100K/day funnels and explains why customer acquisition is his core skill. If you’re an entrepreneur or marketer, this post will give you a sneak peek into the cutting-edge tactics for dominating your industry.

Choosing the Right Platform: Facebook vs. YouTube

One of the key decisions for digital marketers is choosing between platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Sabri emphasizes the importance of adapting your strategy to the platform, noting that while Facebook offers more flexibility for image or video ads, YouTube works best for longer content. For businesses just starting out, Sabri recommends Facebook ads for their versatility, but for more seasoned brands, YouTube can provide incredible returns with the right video content.

Perfecting Hooks: The Secret to High-Performing Ads

A great hook is what makes or breaks your ad, according to Sabri Suby. He outlines how his team shoots multiple hooks for each long-form video ad and tests each one to find the winning formula. Once a successful hook is identified, Sabri focuses on refining and retesting it rather than moving on to new ideas. His approach emphasizes the power of repetition and optimization over constantly creating new campaigns.

Call to Action

Ready to scale your business like Sabri Suby? Learn more by grabbing his book for free at Subscribe to the channel for more deep dives into entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal growth.

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